And here is our most favorite music design project – the new album cover of our friends from Perfect Skies. They are a Bulgarian punk-rock band and their first album is called “Takeoffs & Landings”.
The cover design is inspired by the name of the band and album.
On the front side you first see an airplane that is going to crash. The explosion is actually composed of small musical notes and symbols which are “set on fire”.
The surprise is at the back side – a sexy pin-up girl holding a wrench and a G-clef. She looks playful and a little evil. The hidden concept behind the girl is to illustrate the violent power that women have over everything. They are usually the reason for all emotional and creative takeoffs and landings. In her shadow you can see her devil horns drawn very delicate. They are almost invisible, noticeable just for the observant eye. Under her legs are positioned small fragments ( also musical symbols ) that had been removed from the airplane… She’s a bad girl, isn’t she ? ;)
The CD inside is simple and elegant – blue gradient representing the sky you see when you’are flying over the clouds.
The digipak is printed on a 300 g cardboard with glossy UV varnish.
Because of the lyrics length we had to use small font size – this is why we chose the white background. White text on color background wouldn’t be that good idea for this specific need for print.
And a few more shots from different angles:
And here are some close-ups :
You can also check the Perfect Skies logo project here.